True Love Story/ His Side
True Love Story
I was working at a mall when I noticed this beautiful young lady working at one of the stores.
I was in a relationship so for the next couple of months this young lady and I played the “smiling
and staring game”. One day while I working and having a very bad day, she approached me and
before I realized it was her, I replied to her question with a bad attitude. I had recently ended
my relationship and was so mad at myself that I ruined an opportunity to talk to this beautiful
young lady.
Later that day, feeling embarrassed, I had to enter the store that she worked in to address a
work issue and finally I was able to speak with her and I apologized and invited her to lunch. To
my surprise, I was turned down, because now, she was in a relationship. So we continued to play
the smiling game for a couple more weeks until one early morning she stopped me while I was
walking in front of her store and she gave me her number!! Excited, I went down into my office
and called her and invited her to go get some ice cream from a store in the mall and she said
True Love Story
During our ice cream date I can clearly remember her dripping some ice cream on her foot
and I bent down to clean it for her. When I looked up at her, in that moment, I fell in love. That
was years ago and my love for her grows deeper every day. We now have a beautiful daughter
and are engaged to be married.